kernaly 发表于 2016-1-19 11:39:03

1、   晒出你使用过的STM32开发板/芯片图片

2、   说明该STM32产品型号,列举其一项或者多项特性,同时附件上传一篇该型号产品的资料内核
--ARM 32位的Cortex-M3
USB 2.0全速接口

3、   基于STM32你做过哪些设计?

#define 发表于 2016-1-19 11:47:43

其中,STM32F405集成了定时器、3个ADC、2个DAC、串行接口、外存接口、实时时钟、CRC计算单元和模拟真随机数发生器在内的整套先进外设,并额外内置一个USB OTG全速/高速接口。产品采用4种封装(WLCSP64、LQFP64、LQFP100、LQFP144),内置多达1MB闪存。

STM32F407在STM32F405产品基础上增加了多个先进外设:第2个USB OTG接口(仅全速);1个支持MII和RMII的10/100M以太网接口,硬件支持IEEE1588 V2协议;1个8-14位并行相机接口,可以连接一个CMOS传感器,传输速率最高支持67.2Mbyte/s。产品采用4种封装(LQFP100、LQFP144、LQFP/BGA176),内置512KB到1MB的闪存。

xiaozhao123 发表于 2016-1-19 11:49:33

1、   晒出你使用过的STM32开发板/芯片图片(如果还未使用过,可从官网寻找);

2、   说明该STM32产品型号,列举其一项或者多项特性,同时附件上传一篇该型号产品的资料(官方文档或者网络上的文章分享均可,点击立刻下载官方文档)
                16MB SDRAM、16MB SPI Nor Flash                USB OTG FS                MicroSD卡、I2C扩展接口                SAI音频DAC,一个立体声耳机输出接口                3个MEMS数字麦克风                SDRAM、四通道SPI闪存                4.0英寸带电容屏的彩色LCD-TFT,分辨率800*480                4个LED指示灯、用户按钮、复位按钮                Arduino UNO扩展接口                板载ST-LINK/ V2-1,提供了一个嵌入式调试器和编程的STM32微控制器,支持mbed3、   基于STM32你做过哪些设计?(如没有则不写)四旋翼飞行器的硬件平台设计飞思卡尔智能车设计

笑鸟007 发表于 2016-1-19 12:00:26

1、   晒出使用过的STM32开发板图片;2、   说明该STM32产品型号,列举其一项或者多项特性,同时附件上传一篇该型号产品的资料。stm32L476RG.Key Features
[*]Ultra-low-power with FlexPowerControl
[*]1.71 V to 3.6 V power supply
[*]-40 °C to 85/105/125 °C temperature range
[*]300 nA in VBAT mode: supply for RTC and 32x32-bit backup registers
[*]30 nA Shutdown mode (5 wakeup pins)
[*]120 nA Standby mode (5 wakeup pins)
[*]420 nA Standby mode with RTC
[*]1.1 μA Stop 2 mode, 1.4 μA Stop 2 with RTC
[*]100 μA/MHz run mode
[*]Batch acquisition mode (BAM)
[*]4 μs wakeup from Stop mode
[*]Brown out reset (BOR) in all modes except shutdown
[*]Interconnect matrix
[*]Core: ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU with FPU, Adaptive real-time accelerator (ART Accelerator™) allowing 0-wait-state execution from Flash memory, frequency up to 80 MHz, MPU, 100DMIPS/1.25DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1), and DSP instructions
[*]Clock Sources
[*]4 to 48 MHz crystal oscillator
[*]32 kHz crystal oscillator for RTC (LSE)
[*]Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC (±1%)
[*]Internal low-power 32 kHz RC (±5%)
[*]Internal multispeed 100 kHz to 48 MHz oscillator, auto-trimmed by LSE (better than ±0.25 % accuracy)
[*]3 PLLs for system clock, USB, audio, ADC
[*]RTC with HW calendar, alarms and calibration
[*]LCD 8 × 40 or 4 × 44 with step-up converter
[*]Up to 24 capacitive sensing channels: support touchkey, linear and rotary touch sensors
[*]16x timers: 2 x 16-bit advanced motor-control, 2 x 32-bit and 5 x 16-bit general purpose, 2x 16-bit basic, 2x low-power 16-bit timers (available in Stop mode), 2x watchdogs, SysTick timer
[*]Up to 114 fast I/Os, most 5 V-tolerant, up to 14 I/Os with independent supply down to 1.08 V
[*]Up to 1 MB Flash, 2 banks read-while-write, proprietary code readout protection
[*]Up to 128 KB of SRAM including 32 KB with hardware parity check
[*]External memory interface for static memories supporting SRAM, PSRAM, NOR and NAND memories
[*]Quad SPI memory interface
[*]4x digital filters for sigma delta modulator
[*]Rich analog peripherals (independent supply)
[*]3× 12-bit ADC 5 Msps, up to 16-bit with hardware oversampling, 200 μA/Msps
[*]2x 12-bit DAC, low-power sample and hold
[*]2x operational amplifiers with built-in PGA
[*]2x ultra-low-power comparators
[*]18x communication interfaces
[*]USB OTG 2.0 full-speed, LPM and BCD
[*]2x SAIs (serial audio interface)
[*]3x I2C FM+(1 Mbit/s), SMBus/PMBus
[*]6x USARTs (ISO 7816, LIN, IrDA, modem)
[*]3x SPIs (4x SPIs with the Quad SPI)
[*]CAN (2.0B Active) and SDMMC interface
[*]SWPMI single wire protocol master I/F
[*]14-channel DMA controller
[*]True random number generator
[*]CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID
[*]Development support: serial wire debug (SWD), JTAG, Embedded Trace Macrocell™

3、   基于STM32你做过哪些设计传感器数据无线传输!

286005374 发表于 2016-1-19 12:05:44

本帖最后由 286005374 于 2016-1-19 12:06 编辑

芯片特征Core: ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M0 CPU,frequency up to 48 MHz
• Memories
– 64 to 128 Kbytes of Flash memory
– 16 Kbytes of SRAM with HW parity
• CRC calculation unit
• Reset and power management
– Digital and I/O supply: VDD = 2.0 V to 3.6 V
– Analog supply: VDDA = VDD to 3.6 V
– Selected I/Os: VDDIO2 = 1.65 V to 3.6 V
– Power-on/Power down reset (POR/PDR)
– Programmable voltage detector (PVD)
– Low power modes: Sleep, Stop, Standby
– VBAT supply for RTC and backup registers
• Clock management
– 4 to 32 MHz crystal oscillator
– 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration
– Internal 8 MHz RC with x6 PLL option
– Internal 40 kHz RC oscillator
– Internal 48 MHz oscillator with automatic
trimming based on ext. synchronization
• Up to 87 fast I/Os
– All mappable on external interrupt vectors
– Up to 68 I/Os with 5V tolerant capability
and 19 with independent supply VDDIO2
• Seven-channel DMA controller
• One 12-bit, 1.0 μs ADC (up to 16 channels)
– Conversion range: 0 to 3.6 V
– Separate analog supply: 2.4 V to 3.6 V
• One 12-bit D/A converter (with 2 channels)
• Two fast low-power analog comparators with
programmable input and output
• Up to 24 capacitive sensing channels for
touchkey, linear and rotary touch sensors
Calendar RTC with alarm and periodic wakeup
from Stop/Standby
• 12 timers
– One 16-bit advanced-control timer for
six-channel PWM output
– One 32-bit and seven 16-bit timers, with up
to four IC/OC, OCN, usable for IR control
decoding or DAC control
– Independent and system watchdog timers
– SysTick timer
• Communication interfaces
– Two I2C interfaces supporting Fast Mode
Plus (1 Mbit/s) with 20 mA current sink; one
supporting SMBus/PMBus and wakeup
– Four USARTs supporting master
synchronous SPI and modem control; two
with ISO7816 interface, LIN, IrDA, auto
baud rate detection and wakeup feature
– Two SPIs (18 Mbit/s) with 4 to 16
programmable bit frames, and with I2S
interface multiplexed
– CAN interface
– USB 2.0 full-speed interface, able to run
from internal 48 MHz oscillator and with
BCD and LPM support
• HDMI CEC wakeup on header reception
• Serial wire debug (SWD)
• 96-bit unique ID
• All packages ECOPACK®2

荣丰宇 发表于 2016-1-19 12:17:58



数码小叶 发表于 2016-1-19 12:57:12

本帖最后由 数码小叶 于 2016-1-19 13:01 编辑

2:STM32 F1系列主流MCU满足了工业、医疗和消费类市场的各种应用需求。凭借该产品系列,意法半导体在全球ARM Cortex-M 微控制器领域处于领先地位,同时树立了嵌入式应用的里程碑。该系列利用一流的外设和低功耗、低压操作实现了高性能,同时还以可接受的价格、利用简单的架构和简便易用的工具实现了高集成度。该系列包含五个产品线,它们的引脚、外设和软件均兼容。•超值型STM32F100 - 24 MHz CPU,具有电机控制和CEC功能
•基本型STM32F101 - 36 MHz CPU,具有高达1MB的Flash
•STM32F102 – 48 MHz CPU具备USB FS
•增强型STM32F103 - 72 MHz CPU,具有高达1MB的Flash、电机控制、USB和CAN
•互联型STM32F105/107 - 72 MHz CPU,具有以太网MAC、CAN和USB 2.0 OTG


alan 发表于 2016-1-19 13:07:25

1、   晒出你使用过的STM32开发板/芯片图片(如果还未使用过,可从官网寻找);1,STM32F4-dISCOVERY开发板
2、   说明该STM32产品型号,列举其一项或者多项特性,同时附件上传一篇该型号产品的资料(官方文档或者网络上的文章分享均可,点击立刻下载官方文档)2,STM32F4-dISCOVERY,采用的是STM32F407VGT6,
带有DSP和FPU指令的ARM Cortex-M4 32b单片机浮点运算单元,210dmips,达1MB闪存/ 192 4KB的RAM、USBOTG HS / FS,增加有以太网和相机接口。其实这款芯片比较适合物联网,智能家居应用。

3、   基于STM32你做过哪些设计?


小小费 发表于 2016-1-19 13:39:36

STM32F0x2系列通过无晶振USB 2.0和CAN总线接口提供了丰富的通信接口,使它成为通信网关、智能能源器件或游戏终端的理想选择。


沐紫 发表于 2016-1-19 15:32:14

数码小叶 发表于 2016-1-19 12:57
2:STM32 F1系列主流MCU满足了工业、医疗和消费类市场的各种应用需求。凭借该产品系列,意法半导体在全球 ...

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