查克杜曼威 发表于 2020-9-28 09:53:13


So as the title. I'm going to design a motor drive whichcan drive two motor. (Seems like Odrive). In order to reduce the cost, I wantto use the F103 as my MCU.如题所示,我想要设计一款双路电机驱动。(有点类似开源电机驱动Odrive)。为了节约成本,我希望使用STM32F103作为我的MCU。​​Firsttime I planned to use the MCSDK v4.3 to design my motor driver, and luckily itsupport F103 in dual motor application. (The chip chosen list showed )刚开始,我计划使用MCSDK v4.3去设计我的电机驱动,非常幸运,MCSDK v4.3的dualmotor模式支持F103(在它的芯片选择列表里可以找到F103)​​​Afterwhile, I got a new idea——"the newest MCSDK may have fewer bugs as the SThad improved it", so I downloaded the newest version MCSDK v5.4.3 andfound that it's dual motor model do not support F103 in dual motor application.(can't find F103 in chip chosen list )过了一会儿,我有了一个新的想法——“最新版本的MCSDK应该会有更少的错误,因为ST公司升级了版本,完善了它”​,所以我下载了最新的版本MCSDK v5.4.3,然后发现它的dual motor模式不支持F103。(在它的芯片选择列表里找不到F103)​ThenI'm puzzled. That's why I'm here.于是我迷茫了,所以我在这里发邮件了。​​Flowis my question:1.   1. Should I use aF103 or F4 to drive dual motor? Which one is a better choice? 2.   2. Why the MCSDKv5.4.3 in dual motor application do not support the F103 serials chip, butMCSDK v4.3 do support?3.   3. Why did STcompany cancel support for F103 in the dual motor mode of MCSDK v5.4.3? (It wasoriginally supported in v4.3?)4.   4. Is there anydocument of website can I find the difference between v5.4.3 or v4.3?Pleasegive me some clues. Thanks~​以下是我的问题:1.   1. 我应该使用F103还是F4作为双路驱动板的MCU?哪一个选择更好?2.   2. 为什么 MCSDKv5.4.3的双电机模式(dualmotor model)不支持F103而MCSDK v4.3支持?3.   3. ST公司是出于什么原因,让MCSDK v5.4.3的双电机模式取消支持F103?(原本在v4.3中是支持的?)4.   4. 我在哪里可以找到有关v5.4.3和v4.3差别的资料、文档、或者网站?请给我一些线索,谢谢~
The flowpicture shows the chip supported list of MCSDK in different version.下面这张图展示了在dual motor 模式下,不同版本的MCSDK支持的芯片列表。

mmuuss586 发表于 2020-9-28 10:03:23

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